Bundesrätin Karin Keller-Sutter
Vorsteherin des Eidgenössischen Finanzdepartements EFD
Anteriuras scheffas e schefs dal departament
Since the founding of the modern Federal State in 1848, 32 different Federal Councillors have been in charge of the Department of Finance. From 1848 to 1872, the official name was the "Department of Finance". When Customs was taken over from the "Trade and Customs Department", the Department of Finance became the "Finance and Customs Department" in 1873. Since 1979 it has been called the "Federal Department of Finance".
L'organisaziun dal Departament federal da finanzas DFF stat a disposiziun per
Secretariat general
Il Secretariat general è il scharnier tranter il schef dal departament ed ils uffizis federals, tranter ils chantuns, tranter las collavuraturas ed ils collavuraturs da las medias e tranter las persunas responsablas per la communicaziun.
Dregt federal
La documentaziun dal dretg federal è ina part integrala fixa dal portal d'internet da la regenza svizra. Cuntegns che sa refereschan directamain al chantun Grischun, stattan a disposiziun per rumantsch.