Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer meets with Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov in Bern

Bern, 19.11.2021 - Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, head of the Federal Department of Finance FDF, met with Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov in Bern on 19 November. One of the issues addressed was the possible revision of the existing double taxation agreement. The two ministers also signed a protocol on administrative relief for the watch industry.

At their meeting today, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov discussed Russia's request for a revision of the existing double taxation agreement. The two sides agreed to begin negotiations as soon as possible.

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov and Ambassador Erwin Bollinger from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO also held the 21st meeting of the Swiss-Russian Joint Economic Commission. They commended the cooperation in various sectors and discussed the challenges faced by businesses in the relevant markets.

Furthermore, Switzerland and Russia today signed a protocol on an amendment to the agreement on the mutual recognition of official hallmarks on precious metals in the watch industry concluded in 2011. The amendment to the agreement was drawn up by SECO and ensures that these products do not require additional marking when imported into the Russian Federation and thus benefit from facilitated access to the Russian market.

The volume of trade between Switzerland and Russia amounts to CHF 4.1 billion. Russia holds capital stock of CHF 16.6 billion, making it the ninth largest foreign investor in Switzerland. Swiss investment in Russia amounts to CHF 28.9 billion.

Address for enquiries

Peter Minder, Head of FDF Communications
Tel. +41 79 437 73 61, peter.minder@gs-efd.admin.ch

Fabian Maienfisch, Dep. Head of Communications and Press Spokesperson State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Tel. +41 58 462 40 20, fabian.maienfisch@seco.admin.ch


Federal Department of Finance

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
